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EDITORIAL – Sooke’s 2024 challenges demand proactive solutions

The new year demands a departure from temporary fixes

As we head into 2024, Sooke faces mounting challenges both locally and worldwide. Despite the customary hope that a new year brings, our concerns overshadow the optimism.

The soaring costs of living remain a major worry for everyone, hitting hard across all income levels.

A critical issue for Sooke is the increased demand for vital services due to rapid growth. We urgently require more police, firefighters, and essential infrastructure upgrades, notably improvements to the transportation system. However, local resources are burdened due to inadequate support from higher government levels.

In light of this, if support from senior levels of government remains elusive, Sooke might have to consider seeking help from its taxpayers through a referendum. But any potential tax hikes should keep the financial strain on residents under a five per cent increase.

While dealing with local concerns, global issues also demand our attention. Environmental concerns persist, partly due to governing bodies’ insufficient emphasis on local interests.

The ongoing struggle with the opioid crisis remains, and a shift in provincial coroner leadership offers a chance to rethink strategies, possibly emphasizing treatment-focused approaches over just providing free drugs.

In this landscape of challenges, it’s vital to acknowledge the broader global context. While our local problems are significant, they pale in comparison to the turmoil faced by war-torn nations.

As we navigate the year ahead, offering mere reassurances won’t cut it. This coming year needs an unwavering commitment to implementing genuine and lasting solutions. Addressing our challenges in 2024 demands a departure from temporary fixes, prioritizing firm initiatives that tackle the root causes of our problems.

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