Sooke loves to sing,” says Laura Dowhy. Knowing this, the Sooke Community Choir is hosting a Community Sing with accompanist Bruce Vogt on Sunday, Sept. 16.
“We had about 80 plus people at the previous events, which is a pretty good turnout,” said Dowhy. “We sing loud and have fun.”
She said this event is only possible because Bruce Vogt has a wonderful ability to play any song he knows by ear. He has compiled a booklet with the lyrics to 196 popular songs, all chosen because they are widely known and loved and are easy to sing. Everyone has the words in their hands and the audience chooses their favourites to sing. This is Vogt’s fourth time accompanying the singers.
“His talent is unique,” said Dowhy. “We’re really luck to have him.”
Vogt is an engaging leader, comfortable with the sizable crowd that fills the Holy Trinity Anglican Church on Murray Road. he generously volunteers his talents so that patrons’ donations will benefit the Sooke Community Choir.
Choir members will prepare refreshments during the break.
“This is a fundraiser for us,” said Dowhy.
The songs are all old favourites — everything from show tunes to folk songs, kids’ songs to Irish favourites. They are all recognizable and most people know the words even without thinking about them.
The Community Sing starts at 2 p.m. at Holy Trinity Anglican Church at 1962 Murray Road. Admission is by donation.
“Come out and bring out your inner voice,” said Dowhy.
Come, Join the Choir
The Sooke Community Choir started its 2012 fall season on Sept. 5, but for those of you who missed the date, it’s not too late to join us for a wonderful season of traditional and new music to celebrate the Christmas season.
The choir is again being lead by our talented director, Sarah Wilson, and by our equally talented accompanist, Kathy Russell.
The Sooke Community Choir meets every Wednesday evening from 7 to 9:15 p.m. at the Holy Trinity Anglican Church, 1962 Murray Road.
We always look forward to welcoming new voices to the choir. This year, we are particularly seeking out male voices, to help round out our sound and give it greater depth and colour.
Last week, the choir tried out three of the music selections for this season: Little Drummer Boy/Peace on Earth medley (have you seen the Bing Crosby/David Bowie version? -- a lovely piece); O Magnum Mysterium, a hauntingly beautiful traditional piece; and Baby it’s Cold Outside, a swinging tune from the musical Neptune’s Daughter, and more recently, from the movie Elf. And there’s more to come.
The Sooke Community Choir is a non-audition choir and members do not have to read music to join. Under Sarah’s guidance, the choir members are encouraged to learn and grow musically while singing a variety of choral music. Sarah integrates information and instruction in our rehearsals, to help those of us with no formal musical training. Music tracks of the selections are made available on a special website, or members can request a CD, to facilitate practicing at home. The choir offers new members a three-week try-out period before the $100 registration fee is due. (Now, before you think that is a lot of money, think of it as $6.25 per rehearsal, or less than $3 an hour for the joy of learning and singing at the same time.)
As anyone who sings or hums knows, music lifts your spirits. Being a member of a choir not only gives us a chance to ‘open our throats, and sing, and sing, and sing’, but our performances give us a chance to entertain our relations, friends and neighbours, bringing together people of all ages and backgrounds.
The Sooke Community Choir is proud to be a longstanding member of Sooke’s vibrant music scene, and brings its spirit and love of song to a variety of events throughout the year. From our Christmas and spring concerts, to participating at Remembrance Day and Victory in Europe ceremonies at the Legion, or singing with choirs from Sooke’s elementary schools at the Spring Sing-Out, the Sooke Community Choir celebrates the seasons with music.
Please join us, the Sooke Community Choir, at our next practice on Wednesday, Sept. 12, 7 p.m. at the Holy Trinity Church to discover the joy of making music and meeting friends, old and new!
For more information: call Gail at 250-642-2773. You can also check out our website, for more information.
Submitted by P. Gail Armitage