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Bear Buzz

A new column intended to let people in Sooke know where the bears are
Black bears should be foraging in the forest

April 28-May 9

Careful management of bear attractants is the first and most important step in controlling “bear problems,” as bears are motivated by hunger, not malice.

By the time we recognize our mistakes, it is often too late for the bear.

• Otter Point area of Helgensen and 2000 Otter Point Road.

Chickens were the attractants for two black bears seeking a food source. These bears caused damaged to properties and frightened the residents in this area.


If you have livestock/poultry, an electric fence has the power to keep bears out of your enclosures, grain sheds and just about anywhere else you don’t want bears to go. Keep chickens in at night.

Keep chickens close to the home and protected

Keep feed secured.

Don’t bury carcasses in areas close to your home or livestock

How to build a simple electric predator fence:

• Whiffin Spit Road- Wright Road to Richview Road    and  Henlyn Drive

Several black bears have been spotted in these residential areas.  As bears are ruled by their stomachs, they can easly become habituated to garbage and other attractants.  Foraging in communities is a learned behaviour that threatens the safety of both the bears and the residents of that community.


Many of us remain sceptical as to our responsibility in attracting bears. Even after we have seen the bear in the yard or had the trash raided, we often continue to deny our personal responsibility.

If bears  cannot find the food they need, they soon leave the area. The following bear attractants should be managed to ensure bears don’t move into your neighbourhood. Use this checklist to ensure that bears do not become human food conditioned and/or habituated due to your carelessness.

Store garbage in a secure building, until collection day.

If you cannot store garbage securely, freeze smelly items

Use bird feeders only in the winter

Compost, be sure not to add fish, meat, fat, oils, un-rinsed eggshells, cereals or grains or any cooked food

Feed pets indoors and Store pet food indoors

Store freezers indoors, and Never leave a cooler outside,

Remember that vegetable gardens may become an attractant if a bear has already gained other food rewards on your property.

To report problem wildlife or bears in an urban setting call 1-877-952-7277.