Construction on the Sooke River Road-Sooke Road intersection project is expected to begin by the end of the month, say Transportation Ministry officials.
The project completion date is targeted for next summer.
“The Sooke River Road intersection project will increase safety for pedestrians and cyclists by improving access on and off the highway,” the ministry said in a statement to the Sooke News Mirror.
The Transportation Ministry will be adding traffic signals to the intersection. It will also be making side road alignment adjustments Sooke River Road and Derbend Road, so that this becomes a four-way intersection on Highway 14, with eastbound and westbound left turn lanes.
The work also includes:
• Resurfacing the highway at the intersection, and the approach up to the Sooke River bridge and towards Lazar Road.
• Regrading Derbend Road approaching the intersection.
• Installing concrete roadside barrier and sidewalks.
• Building curbs.
• Improving storm drainage.
• Adding fencing, signage and lighting around the intersection.
RELATED: Premier announces improvements to Highway 14
The Sooke River Road construction is part of the province’s Highway 14 Corridor Improvement project announced last January.
“The overarching goal of this work is to improve safety for drivers, transit users, cyclists and pedestrians by reducing the number of crashes and making the highway more efficient for travellers,” the ministry said in the statement.
“The primary focus of the Sooke River Road intersection project is to improve mobility, and ease of access on and off the highway from this higher-volume sideroad, which will improve pedestrian safety for the high volume of students and people who frequent this area.”
The ministry anticipates minor traffic delays while construction is occurring at the intersection, with the goal to avoid delays during the rush hour commuter periods. A more detailed traffic plan will be released once construction starts.
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