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Council encouraging illegal use of property

Sooke council is considering an OCP amendment affecting approximately 900 properties in the Saseenos area, from Sooke River Road to Roche Cove.

Sooke council is considering an OCP amendment affecting approximately 900 properties in the Saseenos area, from Sooke River Road to Roche Cove.

This area is known as Gateway residential.

Due to non-conforming property, in RU3 zoning (small scale agriculture), where Drivers Welding has been operating a welding, industrial, and unsightly property for about 12 years, council is aiding an illegitimate operation the opportunity to operate by allowing a temporary use permit.

Sooke will review its OCP in 2019, but if this goes through on Oct 1, the last council meeting before election, this change will remain in the OCP, and you and I will have had no opportunity to discuss it as an allowable use in this area.

If council gives permission to operate via a temporary permit to Drivers Welding at 5536 Sooke Rd., anyone could arguably request the same opportunity on any of the properties within the Gateway.

Let your voice be heard and say no to this application at a public hearing at Sooke Municipal Hall on Oct. 1 (7 p.m.)

Ellen Lewers
