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EDITORIAL: Fresh ideas will revitalize transportation in Capital Region

There’s a need to embrace collaboration and prioritize transportation needs in region

Collaboration is the key to solving the transportation infrastructure problem in the Capital Region.

Residents, local government officials, and commuters have expressed concerns about the region’s transportation system for years.

Fortunately, there is hope for change as the Victoria Regional Transit Commission and the Capital Regional District chairs are committed to working together to develop a transportation initiative that will benefit the entire region.

RELATED: Victoria transit commission chair prioritizes collaboration for regional transportation

The appointment of Sooke Mayor Maja Tait as transit commission chair signifies a new era of leadership and fresh ideas that will help steer the region’s transportation system toward a more sustainable, equitable, and efficient future. Tait believes that a regional transportation authority will create more formality around the delivery of transportation services and foster collaboration among the municipalities.

“We need to work together,” says Tait.

CRD chair Colin Plant echoes Tait’s sentiments, stating that the CRD has been considering the idea of a transportation authority for years and would like to see the CRD take a more regional direction with transportation.

Although the idea of a transportation authority has faced opposition in the past, a unified approach is necessary to prioritize the region’s transportation needs. Creating a transportation authority can help to improve transportation options and services, increase safety and security, and promote sustainable and environmentally friendly transportation.

It’s time for the region’s municipalities to work together to solve the transportation infrastructure problem.

With fresh leadership and innovative ideas, positive change is on the horizon for the Capital Region’s transportation system.

Let’s embrace collaboration and prioritize the transportation needs of the region.

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