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EDITORIAL: Government download burdens communities

Senior levels of government must share responsibility

Government downloading onto municipalities and local taxpayers has become an increasingly concerning issue, as demonstrated by the predicament faced by Sooke. Mayor Maja Tait’s call for provincial government involvement in addressing homelessness is a stark reminder of the burdens being shifted onto local communities.

While municipalities do their best to tackle homelessness, the absence of comprehensive support from the provincial government leaves them at a disadvantage. Affordable housing alone is insufficient. Necessary health and mental health services must be provided for these individuals to succeed. Sooke’s limited bylaw officers are stretched thin unable to provide the required support.

Residents and officials in Sooke are grappling with the effects of government downloading. With the lack of suitable relocation options, individuals experiencing homelessness are merely redirected without a genuine reduction in the homeless population. This situation highlights the strain placed on local taxpayers, who find themselves tapped out as they attempt to fill the void left by the higher authorities.

RCMP Staff Sgt. Greg Willcocks rightly points out the complex interplay between mental health, drug addiction, homelessness, and criminality. The issues manifesting in Sooke’s Ed Macgregor Park are a byproduct of a multifaceted problem. The absence of accessible healthcare, mental health services, and general support exacerbates the issue, leading individuals to seek refuge in public spaces.

To alleviate this crisis, the provincial government must share the responsibility. Local communities cannot bear the burden alone. The situation in Sooke underscores the need for a collaborative approach that ensures everyone can access the support and services required to rebuild their lives. The government must recognize that leaving municipalities and taxpayers alone to deal with these challenges is neither fair nor sustainable.

RELATED: Mayor calls out B.C. government over homelessness crisis