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EDITORIAL: Sooke council must act quickly on report’s recommendations

Organizational review highlights concerns pertaining to management, morale and government processes

Sooke council is confronted with pressing issues that require immediate attention, as detailed in a recently acquired report on organizational review and restructuring.

The comprehensive document highlights crucial concerns pertaining to management, staff morale, and local government processes.

A significant aspect emphasized in the report is the urgent need to hire a new chief administrative officer who can act as an “agent of change.” The report recommends this individual possesses strong leadership skills, can motivate senior staff, and works collaboratively with stakeholders.

RELATED: Organizational review reveals staff morale issues at District of Sooke

The report also sheds light on bureaucratic processes that impede development permit approvals, resulting in significant delays. The lack of compromise and negotiation mechanisms further exacerbates this problem. It is crucial to recognize that neither council, staff, nor developers are to blame, but rather the flawed processes hinder progress. Dedicated efforts must be made to revise outdated or unworkable bylaws to address this issue.

Workplace bullying and harassment require serious attention, too. Council should appoint an outside specialist in bullying and harassment to address these concerns. This step will provide closure to past events and create a safe and inclusive work environment for all employees.

Additionally, the report highlights the need for clear priorities within the planning and development department and the reorganization of the engineering and operations department. This restructuring will ensure efficient project implementation through effective planning and risk assessment.

The District of Sooke must act promptly on the recommendations provided in the organizational review. Hiring a competent CAO, addressing workplace bullying and harassment, establishing priorities, reorganizing departments, and incorporating financial considerations will pave the way for a better future.

It is the council’s responsibility to acknowledge the significance of this review, heed its findings, and demonstrate a commitment to creating a more efficient and inclusive district that benefits everyone.