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Letter: Dog attack leaves pooch with broken hip

On Oct. 30, I walked a friend’s Labradoodle on a leash in Ed Macgregor Park in Sooke. A massive golden Labrador, allowed by its owners to be off-leash, charged across the green space and plowed into the Labradoodle’s left flank, sending the Labradoodle airborne and then to the ground.

On Oct. 30, I walked a friend’s Labradoodle on a leash in Ed Macgregor Park in Sooke. A massive golden Labrador, allowed by its owners to be off-leash, charged across the green space and plowed into the Labradoodle’s left flank, sending the Labradoodle airborne and then to the ground.

The Labrador’s body check broke the Labradoodle’s left hip.

The owners never came over to check if the Labradoodle was okay. They disappeared down the hill toward the sea.

On Nov. 3, my friend’s dog finally got surgery; after 12 weeks of rehab, it will recover.

I want to warn other dog owners that there are irresponsible dog owners in town with a giant aggressive golden Labrador. Beware of dog.

Barbara Mitchell


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About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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