How would a relatively small group of angry citizens take over local government?
The passive, peaceful and contented majority would stay home and not vote in the local elections. The estimated voter turnout for the District of Sooke in 2018 was 41.78 per cent.
In any first-past-the-post election, every vote does count. Only one vote will make a difference.
There are a lot of passionate people wanting your vote. Their passionate friends will support them. Being angry is not the only qualification for elected office. “Throw the bums out” doesn’t work if you just put another set of bums on the seats.
Your right to vote is a right to hire good people to work for you. It can be a vote for change but don’t just vote to protest. Figure out who can actually do the job and vote for them.
There has been too much time, energy and money wasted in the past with unqualified councillors messing with district staff. No one will know how you voted. But there will be a record of who turned out to vote. Please get your name on that list and let’s have a good voter turnout for 2022.
Heather Phillips
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