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LETTER: Is council sucking or blowing?

Reader says council should dim green development light if it’s not prepared to address traffic concerns

It’s hard to swallow Sooke council’s plan to become a green and net-zero community when roads are choked with traffic.

I wholeheartedly agreed with E.B. Klassen’s letter last week. As developers tout the new and improved Sooke Road, more people will want to live here, adding to the already frustrating and polluting congestion.

In its Picture Sooke exercise, some of Sooke’s council’s goals are to address the climate emergency head-on, protect ecological areas, and reduce car dependency.

Is council sucking or blowing?

Sooke residential developments continue to destroy beautiful and cherished lands, and for every new household in Sooke, it’s probably safe to say that at least 50 per cent of them will rely on at least one vehicle.

Returning to Sooke from Victoria, drivers are first assaulted by the environmental massacre starting around Glinz Lake Road. Sure, it’ll speed travel in that area, but when you get close to Cooper’s Cove on a bad day or Saseenos Elementary on a good day, the Sooke Slink begins.

Five years ago, it took me about 10 minutes to get through town; today, same distance, 20 minutes.

Unless Sooke council is prepared to do some intelligent and costly work to address traffic in the one-bridge town, perhaps it should dim the green development light.

Shannon Moneo


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About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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