In understanding the original perspective of the John Phillips Memorial Park Trust Committee, you must go to the final report to understand the context and content.
John Phillips Memorial Park was created from the fallout of removing 40 acres of land from the covenant protecting it to allow a developer to build on it. It was decided to give 19 acres to parkland, 17.37 acres to John Phillips and 1.63 acres to Lakewoods Park, centred around Nott Creek.
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Many decisions were made to protect the green states. Nott Creek/pond is part of the Nott Brook Watershed running from DeMamiel Creek to the end of Wright Road down into Sooke Inlet. Sooke has 18 watersheds; 14 are fish-bearing.
This particular watershed was known to carry sculpin, stickleback and other varieties of native and non-native fish and despite erroneous information, the park itself is very well used by humans, flora and fauna.
It is important to read this report completely as much is explained, opening up thinking and not allowing various conjectures to create divisiveness and upheaval.
To offer a peek - four philosophical points from the report:
• “Maintains our green space and preserves the natural areas;”
• “Caters to the general public rather than individuals or small group ownerships;”
• “Provide a meeting place, a central gathering area for family and neighbourhood groups, festivals, community markets, etc.”
• “Allow for the phasing of development” (so many ways to read this but the report shows clearly it is merely the stages in which to follow the recommendations).”
The wonder of content, context and perspective
A. Tata
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