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Letter: Roadway is a disaster waiting to happen

Just watched a young mother trying to manoeuvre around the vehicles parked between Maple Avenue S and the Prestige Oceanfront Resort in Sooke. She had one hand on a stroller with a child and the other holding a toddler.

Just watched a young mother trying to manoeuvre around the vehicles parked between Maple Avenue S and the Prestige Oceanfront Resort in Sooke. She had one hand on a stroller with a child and the other holding a toddler.

One stroller wheel was on the road, one on the six inches of gravel available. The toddler was wobbling to stay off the pavement.

A loaded logging truck blew by them as she pulled the toddler to her and visibly cringed.

I’ve seen people in mobility scooters struggling on this same stretch of road with the same difficulty.

This isn’t new. It’s been going on for years. Doesn’t anyone in power care? Or will it take the inevitable before this stretch is closed to vehicles?

Doreen Barratt


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About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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