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LETTER – Sooke camera plan fails to tackle root traffic issues


Re: Sooke wants traffic cameras at high-risk intersections (News, Jan. 18)

Sooke councillor Jeff Bateman’s idea, and unanimous approval, to have speed/red light cameras at four Sooke intersections doesn’t address the real problem.

First, where are the supporting numbers regarding the severity of crashes at the proposed light sites?

It seems the cameras are planned for locations with existing traffic lights. I thought the Woodlands/Highway 14 or Harbour View/Highway 14 intersections were the dangerous locations.

But besides that, what does the district get for the roughly $200,000 cost per light?

Wouldn’t the almost $1-million be better spent on fixing the ballooning overload of traffic on Highway 14? We all know that commute times have doubled in the last couple of years.

Drivers’ frustration, anger and lack of attention to the road are on display every day and I’d say are a major contributor to speeding and running red lights.

Instead of installing technology to tell us something we already know, address the cause.

Shannon Moneo
