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Letters: Report illegal dumping

Resident finds people are dumping garbage in rural areas

Referring to letter of “Shame on garbage dumpers.”

I was out walking my dogs up Farmer Road, when I came across eight bags of garbage that were illegally dumped.

This was on the September long weekend, and I braved it out and looked through the bags of garbage.

Low and behold, you won’t believe what I found.  Yes,  it was somebody’s papers with their name on it. I couldn’t believe people would throw their garbage out with their name on something in there. You know who you are.

There was also a garbage bag with someone else’s papers with their name on their cell bill in among their garbage.

I called the Capital Regional District and they went and picked it up and delivered this bag to the rightful owner.

So, hopefully this person(s) will receive a fine for illegal dumping on other people’s property.

It is a constant problem going on and it is about time that these dumpers get a hefty fine and learned a lesson from this.


It is an awful sight to see everyday while travelling down any road in Sooke. We should be proud of our town as we have visitors visiting from all around the world and they don’t need to see this.

Wonder what they think of our town when they see this illegal dumping and go back home and tell their friends?

Let’s keep our eyes open and report illegal dumping before it gets too much out of hand.

On Friday, Sept. 21 at approximately 5 p.m, I noticed two 4x4’s driving up Farmer Drive with bags in the back

of their vehicle. About 10 minutes later, they drove back down empty. Now what do you think that they were doing?

They dumped off a carcass of a dead animal on our property.  It was all bagged up and over night a bear or some other animal tore the bags open and left the remains out on the road.  We do not appreciate this kind of dumping.

Would the two vehicle drivers who did this, as you have been spotted, please be kind enough and come and pick up your garbage and debris.

Our property is not the Sooke dump. We would much appreciate it if you would do this, and go and dispose of it the legal and proper way, as it doesn’t cost that much to dump at the proper dump, instead of somebody elses property.

C.J. Malone
