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Letters: Seniors need a centre

The seniors in Sooke want a permanent drop-in centre

Some time ago I was reading the local Sooke News Mirror (May 8, 2013) edition and came across a letter written by V. Anderson pertaining to the once beautiful golf course on Otter Point Road. Then I read about seniors in need of a drop-in centre for a new home base.

I fully agree with every senior in Sooke that attends or tries to attend the socials that a permanent solution is desperately needed and long over due.

Both of my parents were long time residents of Sooke and enjoyed being involved with the variety of activities and bus trips over the years.

If it wasn’t for our “Sooke Seniors” where would Sooke be now?

When I come to Sooke now and see that everything has been provided for families, children, teens and the seniors still come up short, I feel someone should speak up.

This situation continues to upset me to see seniors left on a back burner while progress continues to eat up all the available land for more housing, etc.

I enjoyed the lovely walk past the golf course with its beautifully textured lawns, lush greens and the social laughter coming from the golf club house which was eventually named in honour of John Phillips.

Now the land is an eyesore, a disgrace to the beautification of Sooke.

My personal idea would be to give or loan (99 years) some overdue respect to the seniors of Sooke and outlying areas by presenting them with a completely renovated or new building located where the golf course restaurant still stands but is up for sale.

Why is it there is money in the taxes for everyone but not for our seniors who keep us connected to our past?

I also am now a senior and a long time resident of Sooke when I lived there and continue to visit old friends and family. Respectfully submitted,

Anne Jarvis
