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Letters: Users should pay

Residents with sewer should be the ones paying for operation

I have read with some trepidation the article in the Sooke News Mirror on Oct. 31 concerning the probability of increasing the sewer service parcel tax. It appears that the original estimate of revenue from future development was grossly over estimated resulting in deficit between operating cost and revenue.

I suggest in going forward that the District of Sookeconsider the following course of action:

• The planning department should reassess the revenue projection for the next 10 to 15 years from future development in the sewer service area. This revenue projection should be conservative;

• The revenue projection should be compared to the projected operating cost to determine the short fall;

• The short fall should be funded from the general fund;

• The general fund would be reimbursed from the parcel tax;

In the article the acting CAO intimates that all the citizens of Sooke including those outside of the sewer service area should have been required to pay for the sewer system. Further he refers to a need to revisit the method of financing the sewer system. I hope that he is not suggesting that the district consider having the citizens who live outside of the sewer service area pay for the sewer system.

I am not in the sewer service area and take umbrage with any notion that I should pay for a service which the district is not providing to me.

Allan Eastgaard
