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Cyclist defecates, throws own poop at car in Victoria

Cyclist defecates, throws own poop at car in Victoria

Prior to fecal incident, witnesses said cyclist was verbally abusive to driver
Meet B.C.’s oldest practicing lawyer

Meet B.C.’s oldest practicing lawyer

98-year-old still drives an hour to and from Victoria law firm every day
See your great fog images from across Greater Victoria

See your great fog images from across Greater Victoria

It was a foggy day today and your cameras captured some beautiful images
WATCH: Twelve Angry Jurors puts a new spin on an old tale

WATCH: Twelve Angry Jurors puts a new spin on an old tale

Canadian College of Performing Arts opens season with reworked version of Reginald Rose teleplay
Third suspicious package sent to Langford law firm

Third suspicious package sent to Langford law firm

Hazmat procedures and RCMP Explosive Disposal Unit deployed at Hemminger Law Group again
VIDEO: Victoria writer and filmmaker turns her mental illness into mental strength

VIDEO: Victoria writer and filmmaker turns her mental illness into mental strength

Mental illness robs Victoria woman of happiness from age 10
PHOTO GALLERY: Tour de Rock in pictures

PHOTO GALLERY: Tour de Rock in pictures

See some of the best photographs from the 2018 Tour de Rock from across Vancouver Island
WATCH: Tour de Rock 2018

WATCH: Tour de Rock 2018

See the incredibly compassionate and dedicated supporters of the Cops for Cancer Tour de Rock
WATCH: Rare close encounter with whale pod

WATCH: Rare close encounter with whale pod

Pod of southern resident orca whales breach within arms length of whale watchers
School zone speed limits in effect today

School zone speed limits in effect today

Back-to-school speed enforcement campaigns now in effect