Dawn Gibson
Sooke News Mirror
It’s time to play some weekend ball.
The Sooke Invitational slo-pitch tournament, also known as Sooke ‘Till You Puke, runs from Aug. 5 to 7 at Fred Milne Park.
The entrance fee is $350, and each team is guaranteed five games. The event will feature food, concessions, a beer garden, and the first place team will win a cash prize.
There will also be a dance held at Sooke Community Hall on Saturday night that is open to the public. Tickets to the dance cost $10 if purchased at the field and $15 if purchased at the Hall door.
“This tournament is great for the ball community because a lot of kids that play ball in Sooke have watched their parents play slo-pitch growing up,” said Jason Dumont, organizer of the tournament.
“When they come and watch they learn how the game is played and get used to being at the diamond.”
Twenty-five teams have registered so far – 10 being from Sooke, one from Tofino, and the majority of the other teams from Victoria.
“I love the camaraderie of this event and seeing people come back year after year,” said Dumont. “We’re like a little community.”
To register your team, please contact Dumont at 250-744-8852.