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LETTER: Time for Canada to rethink its ties to monarchy

LETTER: Time for Canada to rethink its ties to monarchy

The time has come for Canada to take the last step to full independence
LETTER: Trail project won't alleviate traffic congestion in Sooke

LETTER: Trail project won't alleviate traffic congestion in Sooke

In case of an earthquake or wildfire, residents will be unable to go anywhere as Highway 14 will become a parking lot
Editorial: Hundreds of reasons to say yes to organ donation

Editorial: Hundreds of reasons to say yes to organ donation

481 people got organ transplants last year in B.C.
LETTER: Proposed North Saanich pickleball venue defies common sense

LETTER: Proposed North Saanich pickleball venue defies common sense

It is irresponsible to consider spending $900,000 on pickleball court at Blue Heron Park
LETTER: Saanich skirts referendum with alternate approval process

LETTER: Saanich skirts referendum with alternate approval process

It’s the first time in 25 years that Saanich will use the alternate approval process (AAP) to borrow $9.6 million for five infrastructure projects.
LETTER: New Victoria pool will alleviate demand for kids swimming lessons

LETTER: New Victoria pool will alleviate demand for kids swimming lessons

There just isn’t enough pool space in Greater Victoria for the swimming lessons our children need
LETTER: What Canadians can learn from Trump's victory

LETTER: What Canadians can learn from Trump's victory

Deep-seated financial insecurity made class identity prominent for working-class people from diverse backgrounds
LETTER: Canada-U.S. trade imbalance is a mirage

LETTER: Canada-U.S. trade imbalance is a mirage

Canada imports more than five times the value of goods than the U.S. on a per-capita basis
LETTER: Residents have clearly expressed concerns with Quadra McKenzie Plan

LETTER: Residents have clearly expressed concerns with Quadra McKenzie Plan

Saanich council needs to engage in true consultation with the community
LETTER: Groundhog Day event in Victoria targets Big Oil

LETTER: Groundhog Day event in Victoria targets Big Oil

Groundhog’s Guide to Suing Big Oil  set for Feb. 2 at Broadview United Church